Health and Safety Awareness Course

Health and safety awareness training is the first step to improving workplace safety. It teaches workers that they have the right to report injuries, incidents, or hazards without fear of retaliation.

It also explains that they can find information about work-related risks by talking to their supervisor, employer or health and safety representative or joint health and safety committee member.
Basic Fire Awareness

Fire safety is an important topic for all employees, regardless of industry. While manufacturing and industrial environments typically experience higher rates of workplace fire incidents, any workplace can be susceptible to a fire due to combustible materials such as metals and chemicals or overheated equipment.

Creating a culture of fire prevention starts with teaching a workforce what to look for in order to identify hazards before they turn into an actual incident. By understanding the fundamentals of fire safety, such as the fire triangle (heat, fuel, and an oxidizing agent), workers can more easily spot potential threats in their workspace.

This course covers the basics of fire safety, including regulations, evacuation procedures, calling the emergency services, and general good housekeeping. It satisfies the requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and is perfect for new staff members or as part of your induction training programme. This course does not certify learners as fire wardens or marshals and is not a replacement for hands on practical training with CO2, dry powder, foam and water fire extinguishers.
Basic Water Safety

Drowning is a leading cause of death around the world. Fortunately, most drownings are preventable. The most effective way to reduce the risk of drowning is to teach water safety skills, especially to children, and to provide close supervision in and around water.

Children should never swim alone and should wear U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jackets. Adults should not use air-filled or foam toys, such as “water wings” or “noodles,” as a substitute for life jackets; they can increase the risk of injury. Never enter a body of water head first; striking the bottom of a pool or a shallow body of water can cause serious and often fatal neck and head injuries.

This course is for parents, grandparents, babysitters, day care providers, youth leaders, camp counselors and other adults who spend time with children in, on or near water. Fulfills requirements for Licensed Childcare environments.
Confined Space Awareness

Confined spaces present serious hazards to those who enter them, as well as to the rescuers. Safety training for confined space awareness helps workers to recognize the hazards of these areas and understand proper entry, work, and exit procedures. The e-course covers the skills and protocols for entering these types of areas, including locking and tagging out connected piping, testing breathable air quality, forced ventilation, observation of workers in the area, and a predetermined rescue plan with appropriate safety harnesses standing by.

Health and safety is not just a legal requirement but it can also bring financial benefits to the company through increased productivity and reduced absenteeism. This course provides an understanding of how to keep staff safe and is ideal for new hires or as part of a safety orientation program.

This online e-course takes approximately two hours to complete and includes a test with a passing mark of 80%. Supplemental materials are available online and can be accessed as needed.
Confined Space Working

Working in confined spaces can be extremely hazardous, and sadly many workplace accidents result from this. It is important that all workers understand the hazards involved and how to prevent work-related accidents in these types of working environments.

This training course outlines the skills and protocols required when working in a confined space. It includes locking and tagging out connecting piping, testing the atmosphere for breathable oxygen levels, forcing ventilation in order to reduce the presence of dangerous gases, monitoring the space during work, a predetermined rescue plan with equipment such as safety harnesses standing by, and much more.

This section also outlines the legal requirements and responsibilities for anyone that works in a confined workspace. It is vital that a risk assessment has been conducted and approved before any worker enters the space. Additionally, the atmospheric conditions within the confined space must be tested regularly to ensure that it remains safe for entry. Finally, all workers entering a confined space must have a written authority to do and safety awareness course

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