Skinny BBL Results Without Butt Implants

For many people, the best way to enhance their buttocks is through a fat transfer procedure. However, some people may not have enough excess fat to perform this procedure. In this case, butt implants might be a better option.

The Skinny BBL procedure involves liposuction to harvest and purify fat cells before injecting them into the buttocks. This technique helps create long-lasting and gorgeous results.
The procedure

A Skinny BBL is an ideal procedure for patients who want a slimmer waist and a curvy buttocks. The ideal candidate has a low body mass index (BMI). A surgeon can help them determine whether they have enough fat to transfer.

Typically, patients with a lower BMI will require more liposuction to harvest the right amount of fat for a successful BBL. However, this doesn’t mean that they cannot have a BBL. They can still get a dramatic result with the help of a skilled surgeon.

The surgeon can harvest the required amount of fat using the BBL, which will then be purified and injected into the buttocks to create the desired shape. This will instantly make the patient more slender and more curvy. Despite some of the transferred fat cells being reabsorbed by the body, most will survive and integrate into the buttocks for long-lasting results. The patient will also have to maintain a stable weight after the surgery to ensure that their new proportions remain in place.
The patient’s expectations

Many thin patients want a more defined and rounded buttocks, but they cannot do it with exercise or dieting alone. The Skinny BBL is the ideal solution for these patients, as it uses their own body fat to create a more sculpted rear end without synthetic implants.

During this procedure, the surgeon harvests fat by liposuction from different parts of the body, including the abdomen, arms, flanks, and thighs. This is the key difference between a Skinny BBL and a traditional Brazilian butt lift, as thinner patients typically require more fat than their heavier counterparts.

The patient should not engage in vigorous exercise for two months after the procedure, as it will kill the transferred fat cells. However, light walking is acceptable. It is also important to avoid smoking and second-hand smoke, as these substances can negatively affect blood flow and nutrient delivery. This will limit the effectiveness of the surgery and impact results. In addition, the patient should not wear tight clothing because it will compress the treated area.
The surgeon’s approach

Skinny bbl surgery is a type of Brazilian butt lift that targets slim individuals with only a small amount of excess fat. Previously, these individuals would have been disqualified for BBL because of their low weight or BMI. However, with new liposuction techniques and cannulas, these patients can now get the same results as their heavier counterparts.

The procedure begins with administering anesthesia. The surgeon then makes tiny incisions in the selected areas for liposuction. The harvested fatty tissue is then processed and transferred to the buttocks, creating a rounder, lifted rear without synthetic implants.

During the recovery period, it is important to avoid sitting or putting pressure on the newly-transferred fat cells. This can affect your results, so you should have someone help you during this time and not exercise or do any strenuous activity until cleared by Dr. Andan. This will allow the fat to properly heal and create long-lasting results. Moreover, it will also prevent the risk of complications such as fat embolism, which occurs when injected fat enters the bloodstream and blocks blood flow to vital organs.
The recovery period

A Skinny BBL is a great option for thin patients who want to have a rounder and lifted rear without synthetic implants. This cosmetic surgery involves liposuction and fat transfer to enhance the buttocks. However, it is important to maintain a stable weight before and after the procedure. This will ensure the longevity of your results.

The procedure begins with the surgeon administering anesthesia. He will then create tiny incisions to harvest the fat from the selected areas of the body. Depending on the patient’s BMI, this may include the arms, back, hips, and thighs. The fatty tissue will then be purified and prepared for transfer to the buttocks.

The fat cells that are transferred will survive and integrate into the buttocks, resulting in long-lasting and gorgeous results. The procedure can also help with cellulite removal and tightening the skin for a more defined appearance. Patients who wish to undergo this procedure should consult with an experienced plastic surgeon to ensure a safe and successful outcome.skinny bbl results

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