Top 5 Digital Job Hunting Strategies for 2017

Digital job hunting has become much more complex in the past decade. Today, a candidate’s interactions with recruiters, employers and HR staff are done online rather than in person or by phone. This makes it more important than ever that candidates’ digital presence, application processes and follow-up are on point. In addition, the speed at which information is exchanged means that candidates must be ready to respond in real time, as applications and replies happen instantly.

It’s no longer enough to simply create a profile on social media or a professional website and start sending out resumes. Digital job hunting is a highly targeted, personalized process that requires more effort on the part of the candidate. A good candidate will research companies and industries, connect with professionals in the field (both in-person and via social media) and participate in virtual and in-person events to find the right opportunities for them.

Whether you’re trying to find your next role as an accountant, data scientist or something else entirely, there are a number of strategies that can help you land the job you want. Here are some of the best Digital job hunting strategies to employ in 2017.

1. Use a search engine or job site that allows you to create filters and alerts based on your preferred work location, salary range, etc. This can help you save time by eliminating companies and jobs that aren’t a good fit for you before you even look at them.

2. Visit the careers pages of the companies you’re interested in. Many organizations post job openings exclusively on their websites. Some also allow you to apply to positions directly from the page. If you do so, be sure to tailor your application to the specific position and company you’re applying to. A generic application that’s sent to dozens of different companies will likely get lost in the shuffle.

3. Network with industry professionals and other employees. It’s never been easier to connect with people in your field than it is now. LinkedIn and other social networks allow you to search for all of your connections and send them a message with a quick link. Don’t be afraid to let people know you’re looking for a new job, and don’t be shy about asking them for advice or insider information on the company they work for.

4. Avoid the “apply online” black hole. “It is a terrible feeling when you apply to 500 different jobs, and receive zero responses,” says Ramit Sethi, author of the book I Will Teach You to Be Rich. Instead of applying to job postings, try to find the hiring manager’s email address and directly apply to them. This will make them more incentivized to reply to you.

Digital job hunting isn’t going away any time soon, but it does require a more targeted approach and greater attention to detail than in the past. By focusing on the strategies listed above, you can maximize your chances of finding a job that’s a great fit for both you and the company you’re working for.

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