What is Shuttle Mediation?

If you have a conflict or dispute with someone that you need to resolve, you can try mediation. It can be conducted either online or in person. You will be in separate rooms and your mediator will shuttle between you.

Shuttle mediation is often appropriate in cases where there is a history of domestic violence. However, it is not as effective as face to face mediation.
It is a form of mediation

Shuttle mediation is where the two parties are in separate rooms and the mediator “shuttles” between them to facilitate discussions. This can be useful in cases where the former couple do not feel comfortable being in the same room due to past coercive or abusive behaviour, or because they may be afraid of intimidation and harassment. In this situation, it is often easier to focus on the key issues and reach a satisfactory resolution.

During a shuttle session, the mediator can help both parties clarify misunderstandings and negotiate revised terms. This can save time and money, while preserving the business relationship. It can also reduce the risk of costly litigation battles.

Shuttle mediation can also be used to resolve other types of disputes, including contract disputes and intellectual property issues. However, it is not recommended for couples in high conflict situations or who have been subject to abuse. It is best to discuss the option of shuttle mediation at your MIAM appointment or with the mediator at a pre-mediation assessment.
It is more expensive than face-to-face mediation

Appropriate dispute resolution for high conflict cases where there has been history of intimate partner violence, intimidation or abuse can often come down to conducting shuttle style mediation sessions either face to face, by telephone, online or via video conference. This can be particularly useful when one or both parties don’t feel comfortable or safe in meeting together and/or being present in the same room.

However, this type of mediation can be more expensive than traditional face-to-face meetings. This is largely because the mediator has to spend time with each former couple individually and then shuttle between them (a process that can take longer than a typical session).

Nevertheless, it can be an effective way of resolving issues for parents whose children are in the care of another party and for couples who need to reach an agreement on property matters. Using an online or phone/video conference platform can also be less costly and make it easier to share documents with both parties.
It is less effective than face-to-face mediation

If you are experiencing high conflict, abusive behaviour or domestic violence then it may be impossible for you to mediate face to face. This does not mean that you cannot resolve your dispute through mediation as it is possible for those in high conflict situations to use virtual mediation techniques.

A recent study of families impacted by IPV found that shuttle mediation and videoconference mediation, when conducted by well-trained mediators with strong safety protocols, were as effective as FDR mediation in helping parents reach an agreement on custody and parenting issues. The participants in the study reported that they felt safer, less fearful, and more satisfied with their outcomes.

During virtual shuttle mediation, both former partners will sit in separate rooms (or in the case of online mediation they will meet at different times). The mediator then moves back and forth between each room for a series of conversations, suggestions and proposals, aiming to find compromises on core issues such as the children’s interests.
It is less effective than online mediation

Shuttle mediation is often used by couples who are unable to meet face to face. This may be due to fear of re-triggering domestic violence or other abusive behaviours, a lack of trust in each other, or an inability to communicate effectively. However, this approach can be less effective than online mediation.

One of the main reasons for this is that it can be difficult to convey emotions during shuttle sessions. Additionally, there are practical issues with establishing a neutral agenda and exploring the issues for each party. Finally, there are issues with ensuring that each mediator spends an equal amount of time with each party.

At Family Circle Mediation we offer virtual shuttle mediation for couples with high conflict and/or abuse in order to help them reach a settlement without having to be in the same room. This enables them to feel safe, avoid being triggered by the other parties comments/presence and balance any power struggle between them.what is shuttle mediation

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